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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, June 25, 2024 Livin' on a Prayer

You are officially half way to Christmas!  Here is a tip for you.  Start shopping now.  That way you will spend some each month and the holidays won't seem so expensive to you!  If you are shopping for your Wannaskan Almanac writers, here is a list of what they would like:

Jack Pine Savage:  A loon-shaped loom to weave my leave, a cart for my heart...a purse for my verse.  Write to the night.  A ship for a trip that will not fail to sail.  And a bottle of wine.

Mr. Hot Coco:  You might think that a writer would want something like a thesaurus or a dictionary.  Mr. Hot Coco is a little different though.  What he really needs is some way of escaping his straight jacket so he doesn't have to type with his mouth using a pen.  Help him, please!

I must write an almanac post!

Joe-Wednesday's Child:  I would like a DNA test to see if the rumors that I am related to Chairman Joe are true.  Also I would like a fire hydrant installed on my property.  

Wannaska's first forest fire hydrant

WannaskaWriter:  I need some beard oil.  The little gallon sized bottles I have been using just don't cut it anymore.  If only I could get the litre size available in Canada.  That would be a more generous portion!

Wait...litres...or liters...are smaller than gallons?  Damn Canadians!

Kim Hruba:  Just being a writer for the Almanac is all the gift I need.  Although a book featuring squibs would be a welcome addition to my library!

For the writer who has everything


  1. Excellent suggestions, though I think the jacket suits you. And for teapoetry, a ticket to the annual Almanac Board Meeting on New Years Eve.

  2. Thanks, CJ, you read my mine - my gift would be to be there and especially to meet Mr. Coco! Plus I don't like getting left off of Santa's, I mean Mr. Coco's list!

  3. That;s a damn close representation of Woe's forest drive. Did you catch any fish, den eh? You back home in DC?

  4. Mr. HC gave me the best of all the gifts. "A tall ship and a star to steer her by." Thanks, and be sure to join us in Wannaska to sing and kiss in 2025. Can you believe it!?


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