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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, June 11, 2024 Cowculating the Distance to the Far Side

Back by popular demand...more zany rewrites...parodies as it were...from the Far Side!  Enjoy!

As you can see, we have really increased the size of our images.  That is because our average reader is over 70.  

Can you imagine the joking whenever they crossed a road?

Doctors...always trying to upcharge you!

Cat allergy season is tough on dogs.

There you have it.  Will this be the end of this desecration?  Only time will tell!


  1. Yet the almanac gives you something to think about other than grading school papers, which I reckon is a parody in themselves; husbandry, of which your readership all understand ranks right up there with you-know-Who; long distance fatherhood responsibilities, "GO BAYLOR! Does she call home on occasion? Even text? You lead a horse to water and THEY DRINK! What did you expect? Should've insisted on Dodge City Community College; Warroad, Minnesota and the big lake Pikwedina Sagainan aka Lac des Bois -- at least for a couple minutes each week. Thanks for your effort.

  2. Not that dang cowculator again!


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