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International Children's Day

Hello and welcome to the first day and first Saturday of the month here at the Wannaskan Almanac. Today is June 1st.

June 1st is Mezinárodní den dětí (International Children's Day) in the Czech Republic and other countries throughout the world. For our kids here in Wannaska, it's a perfect send-off into summer because school is done for the year. If we were in Czechia right now, there'd be castles to visit with special kid activities, games to play, plays to watch, and lots of dobroty - goodies!

My favorite Czech blog, Cook Like Czechs, posted a recipe recipe today for a much-loved children's favorite, krupicová kaše (cooked Cream of Wheat). My kids, even the young adults, love this too and complain that I don't make it nearly enough. Since Czechs like sweet meals for breakfast or dinner, I can make it twice!

Here are some items on our Kid Summer Bucket List for both the U.S. and Czechia:

  • Reading
  • Swimming
  • Earning community service hours (for the graduated Sixth Grader)
  • Hiking
  • Going to town (biking or walking)
  • Visiting the castle in Vizovice
  • Getting ice cream
  • Chess with dědeček (grandfather)
  • Eating Babička's food. (grandmother)
  • Go to the library in both the U.S. and the Czech Republic
The younger kids will spend half their summer in the Czech Republic again this year while their older siblings work. Their Czech grandfather just spent 10 days with us and part of that time was spent planning all the adventures he and the kids will have.

It's also Světový den rodičů (Global Day of Parents). Kids just offered me a bowl of sliced apples. That's a nice way to kick off the morning, the weekend, and summer vacation.

For me, this summer's biggest adventure will be learning how to be a full-time working parent while the kids are on summer vacation. I have been home with kids every summer since the Oldest was born - and she just graduated from college. It'll be a big change for all of us.

But today is Saturday and we don't have to think about that just yet.

Happy Children's Day, Parents' Day and Saturday!


  1. Children's Day in the US is next Sunday so you guys get to celebrate twice.


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