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Sunday Squibs


As the body grows rigid

Let the mind become looser

The heart not so frigid

I no long care for the things of youth. 

No more rolling down grass hills; no Dick and no Jane. 

I'm still up for all the rest though. 

The food they used to give the slaves has been transmuted into money.

One side is always feeling its way into the dangerous future, while the other anchors itself in the hairy past. 

There are crazies on both sides. Both sides handle them by saying, at least they’re our crazies. 

With love as your answer you will forget the question 

The child who wants to own a restaurant has many opportunities to learn the business: dishwasher, cook, waiter, market runner, bookkeeper, to discover the many reasons not to do it. But some persist, God bless them.

Love among the elderly is listening to one another’s accounts of illness and treatments. 

It is good to see unflattering pictures of ourselves. We can judge our spiritual progress by the amperage of the shock. 

The companies are all vaunting AI before it becomes the next GMO. 
