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Antonin Describes His Mom's Birthday

Hello and welcome to a post-birthday Saturday here at the Wannaskan Almanac. Today is June 8th.

So, as you all know, my mom does a great introduction to the blog post, but today, is a different day. Today is a birthday blog! And we're going to write about "the birthday."

You may be thinking, "Whose birthday? When is the birthday? Where is the birthday? Why was there a birthday?" 

So, Paragraph 1: Whose Birthday

It was my mom's birthday. She really deserved it because, man, 22 years of "MOM! Can you help me? MOM! Can you read to me? I can't go to sleep!" And I think she really deserves a good old birthday celebration with cake, whipped cream, a nice note from her children, and a family.

Paragraph 2: When Is the Birthday

The birthday was June 7th. My forty-nine-year-old mom is on her last year of young. So I think she should really enjoy it by going to Czech Republic for 3 weeks with my grandpa on my dad's side and just have some fun. Because 49 years is very long. She should have some time to enjoy herself here with her family, or with her friends. Enjoy the time you have, Mom, because, you might not have a lot of it.

Paragraph 3: Where Is the Birthday

The birthday was at my house. We celebrated with a couple of koblížky (Czech doughnuts) and some cake. The cake was divided into four parts: chocolate, carrot, caramel, and red velvet. We had some chocolate ice cream with little peanut butters in it on a sugar cone. We also had whipped cream and strawberries. It was a fun, little celebration of just my mom and our family.

Paragraph 4: Why Was There a Birthday

There was a birthday because my mom was turning 49, one year to 50. Another reason why is because the day she was born was June 7th and yesterday was June 7th. My thought on birthdays is that they are fun because I get to have cake and see presents being opened.

My mom's present was a little cute card my sister made right at the last minute. And it was funny, too! There's a show that me, my mom and my sister love to watch and it's called Hannah Montana. And the card said, "Can we watch Hannah Montana?"

The Birthday Realization

So after today's blog, I realized something. A birthday isn't just about cake and presents. It's really about enjoying the time you have with your family before you go somewhere, or maybe even don't come back from that somewhere. So, if it's your birthday, be happy about the time you have with your parents and family because it might run out soon. So, love your parents even if they do not do so great things. And to all the adults, enjoy the time you have with your kids. You shouldn't get all caught up in your work. You should really just spend time with your kids for a little bit. It has to be at least an hour every day. Your kids will appreciate it. Know that you can make time for them.


  1. Happy birthday Kim
    Seize the cake!

  2. I laughed so hard at this brilliant essay. Happy Birthday (belatedly! I forgot, Anton, I'm sorry)

  3. If I'm not mistaken (and I'm known to be on more than one rare occasion) this post has the makings of a speech or the preparations of such in mind, not surprisingly as your mother, er ... 'immeasurably wonderful-can't-be-beat (did I mention wonderful?) now 49-year old mother is a high ranking member of Toastmasters International and its Youth Leadership Program within the eastern Roseau County & western Lake of The Woods County vicinity, and we'd expect nothing less. Good job, good job. Was her portion of the cake your prize? Should have been. You aced it. Oh yeah, happy belated birthday you almost-fifty year old.

  4. Two questions for Antonin. 1) Two of your mom's excellent friends thought your mom's b-day was June 8th! Could we both be wrong? If we are incorrect, please give us the answer. 2) Antonin, you forgot that your Mom had two parties; your Mom's aforementioned excellent (dare I say, wonderful, can't be beat) friends gave her a day-B4 D-day party on 6 June, they gave her presents - one she won't share with anyone - bought her lunch and laughed a lot. Hoping your will take these comments with excellent b-day spirits . . . Lotsa Love / One of your Mom's excellent friends!


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