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Sunday Squibs


Before ditching your current religion, compare the Consumer Reports ratings for the other creeds.

Are things getting worse? Social media of every era complain of a decline from the previous age. The hunter-gatherer finds game sparser every passing year and the berries more bitter. 

Neither side expects their candidate to make America great. They want their man in place to prevent the slide into perdition.  

The NBA is always looking to establish new records. The one they’re  after now, though it may have to wait till they add a few more teams, is to extend the playoffs into July. 

In a motel room with the curtains drawn, I could be anywhere in the country. But if it never gets dark behind the curtains I’d guess it was June in Alaska. 

The lazy writer lets auto-correct be his editor, at his peril. 

Ah to be able to convey the weird enchantment of dreams. Shakespeare couldn’t. Even the dreamy Joyce failed after a lifetime of trying. 

As I get closer to my departure, the more I am only able to pick up children close to their own arrival. 

When I grouse about all the empty handicap spots I console myself thus: One, the spots are for members of a club I might join at anytime; Two, those spots would already be full if they weren’t reserved. 

Our troubles are not caused by some malevolent force but by our failure to do things correctly. This is brought home to me daily by my devices.  


  1. Would you please quit talking about leaving? But, sigh, your departure/arrival bookends are poignant.

  2. Leaving we all must. 'Tis about the great matters of death and life. To think otherwise is folly. Stay as long as you wish; go when you must.


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