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Sunday Squibs


No one has a Mom tattoo removed. By the age for tattoos, people are sure how they feel about their mothers.

Why is the one-trick pony disparaged?

It's doing one more trick than the great majority ponies. 

Sports least affected by corpulence:

1 Sumo wrestling

2 Football

3 Hockey

4 Baseball...

8 Soccer

The flag once stood for all of us  but one side took it for its own. 

With the many uniquely colored flags out there now, Old Glory can be raised without anxiety about flying a false flag. 

There are people being born today who will grow up to support abortion rights, but who will also be grateful their mother lived in a state that had suppressed them. 

A thing you’ve lost will reappear

When you buy its twin, which seems unfair

When saving lungs became the fad

Smoking went from glam to bad

My broken parts that me lead to sin

The bridge that is down, the ice that is thin

No one can fix them, they’re  bred in bone

So I stop and back up, take the long way around

If Shakespeare was writing today, Romeo would kill himself after the three dots stop flashing and just before Juliet’s text shows up. 

The wise husband, when telling his wife she’s just like her mother, adds, “…in a good way”.


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