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Sunday Squibs


We can all sing in the shower, but only Fred Astaire could dance there. 

Cannabis opens the mind, like the key to a hoarder’s closet. 

Women complained that the lines were too long at their restroom so companies made both rooms unisex. Then companies realized they only needed one restroom and turned the other into storage.

Karl Marx envisioned the workday growing shorter and shorter so we'd have time to improve ourselves. But self-improvement is way too much work.

Tidiness is strictly an aesthetic good.

It has no survival value.

If the caveman had had trash, he would have littered it about as a status symbol.

Love is a fait accompling

Meditation is a wakeful sleep

We sit within the moment deep

If I must suffer pain

Give me the dull-

Long rolling hills

With sometimes a lull

-Sharp is much worse

With this major diff

You’re forced all at once

Off a steep cliff

Summer has heat

Winter has ice

Springtime has mud

Autumn has nice

During periods of degentrification, the McMansions are turned into boarding houses. 


  1. Lucie is already complaining about summer has bugs. Autumn is best!

  2. Fred Astaire had nothing on a guy I knew, who, whether he actually could dance in a shower or not, would try given the right musical and social accompaniment. Tall and lithe, red-haired, bearded and freckled he'd bojangle his way through the curtains, along the top of the tub (if there was one), leap to the top of the toilet tank do a tap dance there, leap straight up and tuck to do a Nadia Comăneci imitation of her 1976 American Cup international gymnastics competition. He was that good. Alas.


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