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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, June 20th, 2023...Memories

If you aren't quite sure if you are old...

Elvis Presley's last album, Moody Blue, was released 46 years ago.

It was released 4 weeks before he passed away.

Susan Dey and David Cassidy were heart throbs from the television show the Partridge Family.  Susan Dey will be 71 years old in December.  She has not acted in nearly 20 years.  David Cassidy would be 73 years old but he passed away in 2017.  So if those two were your teen idols...know that they could be your great grandparents by now!

Sad, but even teen idols get old

Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon on July 20, 1969.  Eugene Cernan last stepped on the moon on December 14, 1972.  No human has been to the moon since.  That means it has been 51 years since someone walked on the moon.  We have had an explosion in technology.  Seems like that should be something we could do with regularity in this age.  

What is your "Wait...that was how many years ago?" moment.  Comment below.


  1. It’s been 245 years since Joseph Bramah invented the first practical flushing toilet. It took another 80 years before London dug a sewer system to carry away the resulting night soil.
    Many citizens of Roseau County grew up using an outhouse and chamber pot.

  2. It's been 148 years, 5 months, and 20 days since J. R. Deering used the word "skippered" in a sermon, where "skippered" was then defined as a piece of cheese carrying maggots.

    1. My sincere apologies to Chairman Joe, his seafaring family members, to the navy, and to boat skippers on all waters, be they salty or sweet.

  3. It's been 11 years since Inga Einarsdottir Josephson suddenly evaporated from the pages of THE RAVEN: Northwest Minnesota's Original Art, History & Humor Journal. Details to follow this revelation on Thursday highlighting this tragedy of a much-loved fictional character of the Sven & Ula series. By the way, I bought that Elvis Blue Album. The LP was translucent blue.

    1. I look forward to that. I often think of Inga. Ula has not been the same since she disappeared.


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