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Sunday Squibs


If a telescope or a microscope came to life, they would have to be led around by the hand, not because their vision was poor, but because it’s too good. 

The English language is like French wine added to German beer—then shaken not stirred. 

The Gordian knot resulted from leaving too many workarounds in place. 

Those who love having options must prepare themselves for the doozie down the road. 

It takes a village to raise even the village idiot. 

If it’s wobbly, liberals add more legs to the table. Conservatives take legs away. The diplomat slips in a wedge to make it stable

At some point in every old timer’s yarn, there must appear the words, “there weren’t any cell phones back then”.

Mansplainers, manspreaders: they’re from the same tree. 

Manspreaders, mansplainers: thank God there’s not three. 

It takes a truly awesome clutterer to make a McMansion a home. 

The power lines that run over town and country are as aesthetically pleasing as the cord and naked lightbulb that hang in the peasant’s hut. 


  1. Back before cellphones, I decided to run my electrical power lines underground from the county road into our place so I wouldn't have to look at them overhead everyday; it cost me 5x more than if I had chosen poles like everyone else. It was worth it.


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