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Sunday Squibs


Like an old married couple who cannot divorce

The Dems and Repubs are bitter of heart 

They bicker and fight with all of their force

They’re joined at the hip till death them do part

Instead of lowering the flag every couple of weeks in honor of the latest shooting victims, we should just put them on the MIA flag. 

The overturning of Roe v Wade is as portentous as the fall of the Berlin Wall, but it’s the raising not the falling of a barrier. 

There’s no need to fear dead ends. 

You do need to resist staying in them. 

It used to be the devil made me do it. 

Now I accept it’s my DNA. 

The pen is mightier than the sword; 

The smart phone will defeat the AR-15

While waiting for the Geek Squad, I develop workarounds that make the Geek Squad redundant. 

To be allowed into Heaven you must allow your enemy in too. Also, you must share a bunk with him in the reeducation camp. 

While climbing the mountain of personal improvement, a little backsliding is inevitable. 

It’s the crevasses I fear. 

Some people rise early and take their nap after lunch. Others like their nap during sunrise. 

We humans barely get along with each other. It’s good the animals are not rational. How would we construct a treaty with the deer to keep them out of the garden? Or what would the woodpeckers want to stop making holes in the siding?

To have no off switch can often be funny 

But all batteries die, even drum-beating bunny’s


  1. The deer and the 'peckers ply their respective trades to remind us that nature will win in the end.
    I knew it! You have an assault rifle in the Shedeau!

  2. bless me father for dead ends, crevasses, backsliding and penance is sleeping with the enemy!?


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