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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, December 13, 2022 Movie Night in December

What is your favorite Christmas movie?  If you are old school you might mention something like "It's a Wonderful Life" or "Miracle on 34th Street".  It's a Wonderful Life is about George Bailey, a man who has a lot of problems and is planning on ending it all on a snowy Christmas Eve.  He ends up rescuing his guardian angel and that angel shows him how he has made his town better.  Apparently it wasn't intended to be a Christmas movie but it has ended up that way.

In A Miracle on 34th Street a man claims to be Santa Claus...or as the movie says, Kris Kringle.  He ends up in court where they try to decide if he is a criminal, crazy, or really is Santa. The most famous scene is this one:

If you are middle aged right now, like me, you might be inclined to watch Christmas Vacation.  My family watches this movie about a dozen times each Christmas.  We quote the movie constantly.  It is one of our favorites.  In this scene you can see an example of over-decorating.

Another middle aged classic is "A Christmas Story"  In this movie (one of my wife's favorites) a youngster named Ralphie wants a Red Ryder bb gun for Christmas.  His mother doesn't approve, afraid that he will "shoot your eye out".  From the leg lamp to the bunny suit, this movie has spawned a myriad of cultural icons.

Modern day movies include Elf, several adaptations of the Grinch, and even Die Hard is considered to be a Christmas movie.  So what DVD do you reach for when it comes to Christmas movie night?  Comment below, and Merry Christmas!


  1. “The Muppet Christmas Carol.”
    Not humbugging you.

  2. One Christmas Eve, not too long ago, we re-watched the awe-inspiring Christmas classic, "Jeremiah Johnson."

    1. A Christmas classic because that’s when you watch it?
      To me it’s a Honeymoon classic because that’s when I watch it.

    2. Yah, it's tradition. "Kin you skin, grizz, Pilgrim?"


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