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Sunday Squibs


Can two nouns equal an adjective? School bus + school children = obstreperous. 


We love our fans as long as they don’t grow dangerously into fanatics


There comes a time to unacquire certain tastes we put so much effort into acquiring. 


I used to watch my team to the end, win or lose. I now watch only highlights. Yes, I’ve paid my dues. 


I used to agree with everybody so they’d like me. Now that everybody likes me, I’m free to be disagreeable. 


Whoever doesn’t believe the facts is using a rubber band for a ruler. 


Every country has a weird tasting food. Scotland has haggis, England has marmite. At least Ireland made Guinness intoxicating.


When I wake up, it takes a few seconds to recall where I am. How long I remain confused after death will depend on how well I’ve prepared myself to shake off that confusion. 


Will you spend your three score and ten like an accountant or like a sky diver?


In youth we cover up our mistakes from embarrassment. In middle age we share them because they’re funny. In old age we hide them again lest our family start a dossier to put us in the Home. 
