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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, December 6, 2022 Pulling the Plug on Musk

I thought that I should start out with a little bit of humor.  Here are some poorly chosen theme songs.

1.  The Wannaska Lions annual chili feed.  Theme song.
2.  Joe Biden boarding Air Force One.  Theme song.

My daughter and I went shopping on Black Friday.  We didn't find much in the way of deals, but I did have a chuckle or two with her.  We were walking by a kitchen mixer in Menard's and I told her that I was feeling a cold breeze.  She stopped and looked at the mixer, then rolled her eyes.  
"It's a 
Dad," she said.  

Now that I have that out of the way, I would like to get a little serious for a bit.  Today I read that Apple is thinking of pulling Twitter off of iTunes.  From what I understand, Apple feels that Twitter (led by Elon Musk) is not going to be stringent about the "truth".  Well, that made me roll my eyes.  Social media has hardly been a beacon of truth...not now...not ever!  
I actually like the lies.  There is very little truth out there on social media, so it makes a perfect place for someone like me to dive in.  Once again, I don't mind lies.  Lies are a great way to test your understanding of the truth.  They also serve to challenge you to examine your "truths".  When social media is afraid to let lies out there I have to say they are more afraid of having indefensible postulations then they are of someone being deceived.  
Sadly, much of what is preached as truth is just an opinion.  For example the whole notion of manmade climate change.  It is not settled science.  Much of what has been passed off as facts is just opinion.  The truth is that we should not pollute the Earth.  It is our home and hopefully home to many generations to come, and because of that we should try to keep it clean and healthy.  That is truth.  Is climate changing due to pollution?  That is debatable, and to be honest it is something that we should debate!  The debate over opinions is something that we should be able to do without censorship.  Truths wound together, lies rooted out, and then we can shake hands and think.  
To me, a lie is just something to make you think.  So share them on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat...I really don't care.  If I stop and debate what I consider to be a lie it makes me a little more human.  
Do you disagree?  Do you think I am lying?  That is okay.  You are another valuable human and I value your ideas.  
Have a great day!


  1. "Some lies are so well told, only a fool would not believe them."-- French squib

    Thought provoking post, introduced by cool dad joke.


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