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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, December 27, 2022 We Did It Adrian!

Can you believe that this edition wraps up 5 years of writing in the almanac for Mr. Hot Coco?!?!  Wow.  This is right around the 260th blog that I have written.  I would like to thank all of the readers who have made this possible.  I have tried to keep it light and humorous, but I have also tried to write a blog or two about things on my mind.  Sure I have written things that some people have found offensive.  I would like to thank the lawyers for the Almanac who have managed to settle all but three of our lawsuits out of court.  

Who would have thought that a slurred, drunken "whatever" agreed to at a New Year's party on the shores of the Roseau River would have led to such wit and wisdom.  How long can it go on?  Who knows.  As a middle school teacher I am sure that purgatory lasts forever, as will the drivel that Mr. Hot Coco writes.  

As a shameless self promoter, I would like to offer the following items for sale.  

Plants and books not included

Whoops, I meant to say shelf promoter.  Not sure that how past by got editting.  Oh well, you get what I mean.  So how about an offer on those shelves?  Fantastic deal if you have elves looking for a place to hide!

I know that by this point you are probably just as excited about year 6 as I am.  Will there be blogs about canning vegetables and fruits native to the Wannaska area?  Probably not.  Will there be stories written about famous Wannaskan ballet dancers?  Quite possibly.  Will there be nonsensical articles that seem to be written by a crayon toting maniac?  Absolutely!  So make that resolution to join us every day here at the Wannaskan Almanac.  3 out of 10 of my closest relatives can't be wrong!


  1. And to think you were going to deffer the offer and write children/youth-age books that brought you fame and fortune instead! Whew! That was close!

  2. Thank you for being part of the Almanac crew. Tuesdays would not be the same with out a mug of Mr. Hot Coco.


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