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Christmas Squibs


The Christmas season used to be more about the return of the sun than the coming of the Son.


Christmas was once a nice little year end holiday till it got Saints Nickled and Dimed.


Our fanciful theories are like blow up Santas. Very jolly, till truth comes like a stiletto, leaving them flat on the lawn, fodder for history’s dustbin.


We now return you to our regularly scheduled squibs.


Lord have mercy on me, a miserable tax collector. And I’d also like to put in a word for this Pharisee here who’s probably doing it all wrong. 


The post office posters once wanted criminals. Now they seek workers, MIA. 


Meme is just a four letter word for fad. 


Your friend who votes the wrong way may admit his man has done a bad thing, but will never agree that he is a bad man. Just as a New Yorker will never root against the Yankees. 


Bars don’t like serving breakfast, and if they’re forced to, they do it badly, and charge extra for  their trouble 


A picture may be worth a thousand words, but if only someone had written a few of those words on the backs of the old family portraits. 


A true friend will wait for five or six minutes while you scroll, perhaps unsuccessfully, to find the picture he wants to show you. 
