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Sunday Squibs



God waits patiently for those wanting to deny him; yet the deniers never seem to finish burning the gods created by others. 


The universe is so great, and my mind is so small 

God save, or at least cushion, my inevitable free fall


We’re advised to converse with those on the other side of the fence. But how does the lover of astronomy find common ground with the bodice-ripper fan?


Squeezing more seats into the jet is a great health measure: Travelers must watch their diet. No free food on flights either. Thank you airlines. 


Every chef eventually screws up. The best ones have the extra agony of not making excuses. 


The miracle of donating to a political party is that for every dollar you give, you’ll get back two dollars worth of their junk mail.  


War leads its fighters to desperate times

For the losers alone must pay for their crimes 


Good management keeps marginal employees on their toes. Bad management lets them sit on their butts. 


To my friend: I got your back. 

To my enemy: I got your neck. 


A good round of sneezes 

Is the poor man’s carthesis. 



  1. Lol...2 bucks worth of junk mail! If it were only that little!


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