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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, September 10, 2024 More Joys of Aging

And now...more joys of aging with Mr. Hot Coco!

1.  I might not have back muscles, but I have back fat!

2.  I might not have biceps, but I have bifocals!

Those little lines can help you read

3.  I might not have energy, but I an enervated!  (Yay, I learned a new word!)

4.  I might not be able to nab fly balls, but I can nap easily in my chair!

5.  I might not be able to run a mile, but I can tell run on stories for hours!

Get to the point!

6.  I might not be with it, but I am probably scared of it!

7.  I might not be cool, but I do love a warm blanket!

8.  I might not follow social media, but I do get social security!

9.  I might not like spicy food, but I do like spacious pill boxes!

10.  I might not like numbered lists...but I did make you read one!  

Respect your Steve and Joe!


  1. You might be old and tired, but your humor is fresh and funny! -TP

    1. If he's anything, he's that. Well, for the first half hour at least, at which point you aren't sure that he hasn't been having you on all that time and could go on like that for days. Is there any wonder why he fishes alone?

  2. The last line of your post says it all.


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