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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, September 17, 2024 A Labor of Love

I've been smoking for 8 hours
And my roast isn't done
I don't know why so many
Think that smoking meat is fun

It is looking good and tasty
But the probe says it isn't cooked
I just keep getting hungrier
Every fifteen minutes when I look

My wife is getting cranky
My dog is getting bitey
If they don't get some smoked meat soon
They might say nighty nighty

So I sat up half the night
With my plate and fork
Waiting for that first bite
Of delectable pulled pork

I should have started sooner
Perhaps midnight the day before
Instead I started out a noon
Trying to smoke it to the core

I suppose at midnight food is tasty
I have been led to believe
Just like signing up for blogging
After midnight on New Years Eve

So I sit here babysitting meat
On my three day weekend vacation
I have to say I'm not like Heinz
I don't care for anticipation!


  1. At least you got a fine blog post for your troubles.

  2. See? Only the two old guys comment on your post, albeit sarcastically ... (It's hard to resist every week, eh.) What you have there, very apparently, (and I'm surprised CJ didn't comment on it, but he/him [whatever] being perpetually kind to each and every one of us all his days, chose not to do so. Go figure.) in your smoker, laddie, is not a pork roast but a loaf of homemade bread. I saw it immediately, as did quite a number of folks with who/whom I coffee on Monday mornings and who chose not to comment on-line -- or have never figured out how to manage it. In fact, I was sure that loaf was the subject of your harangue this morning, your bit of Canadian-American humor that not all of us 'get,' each week, save for myself living so close to that international border and all having that distinct advantage -- and was I ever shocked! Well, sort of, 'shocked,' being a loaded word in and of itself, except when referring to your usually wondrous humor. Yah, a good one here. A pork roast! Oink, oink, eh. Oink, oink.

    1. I also saw a loaf of bread and thought: he uses a thermometer?
      Do I need to do that?
      I was sorry for Mr Hot C’s troubles but relived it was butt and not bread.

  3. Discussions like these will be obsolete when the new Scratch 'N Sniff Apps become available after the first of the year. I've already preordered mine.

    1. YAH HOO! And I thought life couldn't get any better, after you-know-who.


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