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Sunday Squibs


Science is the foundation of our knowledge. 

Myth, fable, and story are its scaffolding. 

Trump accused the Democrats of stealing the last election by counting the votes of dead people, yet he’s the one caught recently campaigning in a cemetery. 

I can’t get my head around how tiny the universe was just before the Big Bang. Trillions of pre-universes could fit inside my current head. 

The tourist traps are filled with pickpockets. 

Off the beaten path are muggers. 

Even sitting at home, our coins slip into the nether regions of our La-Z-Boys. 

I can’t see what’s right under my nose. I need to be like a drone, circling, circling and not like a fighter jet accusing everyone of hiding my mug. 

The know-it-all has two problems: 

1. No one really cares that 27% of the world’s copper comes from some African country that was called something else till 1977. 

 2. His mind goes blank at the crucial moment during trivia night down at the bar. 

Some languages seem easy at first, but we soon hit the great wall that separates us from the other animals.

Yes, our team wins the close ones, but that entails too much anxiety. 

We prefer our heroes to crush the opposition right from the get go.

There’s no sense getting defensive. 

Sure you’re being unfairly accused of something.  

But think of all the stop signs you rolled through without getting caught. 

It’s karmic payback time. Suck it up man. 

Imitation would be the sincerest form of flattery if I could just minimize my mocking tone. 


  1. Writing squibs might be THE surefire method of fighting cognitive decline.
    Reading them, hopefully, comes in second.

  2. The trump observation is priceless.

    Blaming others for our misplaced items? Lately, my habit to avoid blaming is to take ownership up front, e.g. "I've misplaced my glasses. Have you seen them?" This invites BLH to come to my aid, and a gentler, kinder approach that avoids making an adversary out of the injured party. Is it not so?


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