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Sunday Squibs


We need to learn to live with AI; it’s just us in code, good, bad, and mostly indifferent. 

The preacher inept 

Though his pearls are most fine

Casts in a way

That turns hearers to swine

I can eat off my floors. 

Off the kitchen floor I could even assemble a small snack. 

Shall I dash headlong 

Paying no heed 

Or sit frozen  in place

Praying my creed

Burned at the stake was a fearsome way to go. You hoped some kind soul would toss a bucket of wet leaves on the flames so the smoke would knock you out before the pain began.

Our civilization doesn't burn people at the stake, but the threat of hellfire is still there for those who need it.

The nations we dislike or look down on: the Mexicans, the Chinese, even the French...we adopt their cuisines, while the people we admire...well, when was the last time you ate at a Canadian or Norwegian restaurant outside of Canada or Norway.

Love conquers all, but fear gives it a good run for its money. 

I have talents that lay unused like tools bought and forgotten in the back of my tool chest. 

It’s much easier to accept our physical defects than our moral ones. 


  1. Yah shure, I haven't eaten at Nordhem Restaurant since before Covid, don't ya know, and am reminded of da fact effrey Woe's Wednesday blogpost, thank you very much.

    These tools you bought and forgot about laid seized and rusty, until meeting da Stenzels, the formation of the Wannaskan Almanac, Teapoetry, and all their poetry leanings combined, eh; then suddenly you set to putting up a couple tool caddies and storage racks just to hold them all.

    And, the suggestion you made about mebbe eatin' a small snack off your pristine wooden floors -- explains your 28-inch waist. I've often wondered what you eat to maintain your girlish figure; the mystery solved.

    1. WW, Can you hear me laughing out loud all the way from Massachusetts?
      I'm beginning to understand who plays the straight man in your dynamic comedy duo. Smothers Bros had nuthin on youse.

  2. You are in fine form today, CJ. Glad to see that after years of introspection, you are finally beginning to recognize your gifts.
    And when we visit again, I'll watch you like a hawk while you prepare the dinner.
    And, I promise, when you come here next time, we'll fry you some Canadian bacon.

  3. You mean the twin poets from Up north?

  4. You just keep getting better. My fav this time is the one about love and fear. Too true. They cannot occupy the same space.


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