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19 September 2024 "Hot Coffee & Cold Beer," journal/September 1983 excerpts

 Excerpt 'Hot Coffee & Cold Beer: a journal'  September 16-20 1983


  1. I had started living on the farm, alone, in the fall of 1982. I had just moved in a small ratty mobile home to serve as 'momentary shelter.' Aye, t'was the same I had to eventually chainsaw out its bathroom floor and replace (still looking for that VHF tape of it, Woe) and the same one, that upon cleaning its floor ducts its whole length, (Well, that was the plan) I had to unexpectedly remove its furnace to retrieve the brick-on-a-rope cleaning 'appliance' I had invented; yeah, that mobile home. Legendary. My late cousin, Jack Davidson, from Tuff Rubber Balls, Minnesoter, ten years my senior, had been raised on now-my-farm. Being the consummate waterfowl, deer, bear and fish hunter often frequented his deer hunting land four miles south of it especially in the early fall. Little did either of us know, that that same November, he'd crash his two-seat Taylorcraft into what later became the Palmville Wildlife Management Area; and I'd roll my 1972 Toyota Land Cruiser a mile and a half south of the farm; both of us narrowly escaping with our lives.

  2. And what adventures you've had! Thanks for sharing the journal entries.

  3. You caught fish on every cast that day, which leads me to ask about your writing process. My first drafts are what Anne Lamott refers to as shitty firsts. This?


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