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Sunday Squibs


Scale is everything. As I ride the earth spinning at 1,000 mph, I don’t feel a thing, unless a hurricane sets carousels rolling into my house. 

I’m really Mr Wonderful

My ego's the SOB

I think I’ll ghost my ego

Shhhh…please don’t follow ME

A cornucopia is a good thing except when you’re trying to find that last breakfast muffin that’s migrated to the far end. 

We appreciate that scientists need to push an idea till it goes bad but do they also need to foist it on an unsuspecting public: Hiroshima, forever chemicals, etc. 

So when someone starts a sentence with the word “so” you can expect to hear a simplified version of a complex situation. 

A walking stick is not just for support but also to let the brain know where the floor is so it can avoid going there. 

Grandparents are notorious for bragging about their grandkids and their meds list. 

When I debate my friend, he asks for my sources. That’s my cue to say, I don’t need no stinkin’ sources. 

Driving on freeways is like traveling via social media. Taking back roads is like reading the book. 

If your faults are a bog, don't wallow through. Find a path around them. 

If your faults are a river, build a bridge.

If they’re an ocean...well, the rocket to Mars leaves on Friday.


  1. Mine are a thicket of thorns. Can I borrow your clippers?

  2. "A walking stick ..." Among the best ever. Atta boy Joe!

  3. The Chairman is slipping more and more into his sage role and his wizard's pointy hat!


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