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Sunday Squibs


Jump out of bed like a pan that's a'sizzling 

Though the world out of bed is cold and a'drizzling

Once toweled off and into some dress

The world looks much better seen through a French press 

On visiting a workman's shop, you find a terrible redundancy. 

I mean, how many clamps can any project possibly require?

Real people can never have spoken like Shakespeare's characters. 

But real gods and demons do.

Death is a pit stop on eternity's road.

"Under new management" often means a favored restaurant has become a no-go zone.

Is it worse to forget to do something, or to forget that we did do it.

Muscle memory is great until it melts the new electric kettle on the gas burner. 

Flatten the ego as far as it goes

It’ll cover more ground and step on less toes 

I'm ok with my personal 


When I think of the Big Bang's


We're hard on ourselves, that's not the right way 

There's none of us perfect, that's what I say 

Symphony Hall's empty most of the day

Great museums all fret, "Am I growing passé?"


  1. Good stuff this. "Is it worse to forget to do something or ..." is immediately relatable. Having grocery lists and cross all out, to 'case of bottled water,' then forgetting it ...ARGH! So this week I bought two cases, one to make up for the one I forgot and another to be ahead of the game, so when/if I forget the next one it won't be so catastrophic.

  2. A couple of real gems in this post. Two of my favs are:
    Death is a pit stop on eternity's road. - (So you believe in reincarnation?)
    Is it worse to forget to do something, or to forget that we did do it. (Q mark? / Less picky: forgetting does have advantages: we can happily watch the same movie multiple times.


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