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"Cooll" Vision Boards 2024

Hello and welcome to a "light and bright" Saturday here at the Wannaskan Almanac. Today is January 20th.

This week, the kids and I created vision boards for 2024!

Hello everybody, my mom got the party started. So let's dive in.

One day a wild mom wanted to make vision boards in Roseau with my sister and me. We were like, "No! No! Don't make me!" Then my mom made us go anyway. So we went on a journey to the Roseau Public Library.

There was a chessboard at the library and I wanted to play chess with my sister. But she said no. My mom also said no because we were there to do the art thing and it was about to begin.

A vision board is a board of things that you want to have happen. For example, my mom made a vision board about love. Specifically family love. My sister made a cat vision board.

I sat down and I thought, "What should I make?" And then I thought, "I have a great idea...that the world has never known and would never think I would think of!" I decided to do FOOD! I decided to do food because one of my friends really likes food because that's the only thing he likes. Then I started the project.

First, I had to get the board and rip out pages of the pictures I wanted. Then I cut out the pictures from the pages I ripped out. It was actually pretty hard to find pictures of food. I kept looking until I found the pictures I wanted in a food magazine. I like this board because it just makes me happy to see yummy food lying around on a big piece of paper. My mom likes it because she says she likes the bright colors and it makes her feel happy too. 

Long story short, it was cool.

After I finished the food board, I did a board for myself. With this new vision board, I was trying to capture destruction and calmness because that was the only thing I could think of in that moment. Destruction was reflected in lava spurting everywhere. I was looking at a magazine of photographs of places. When I got my destruction pieces, I went to the calm pieces. In the destruction pieces, I liked that there was red with black and lava spurting everywhere. I added calm pieces because I just wanted there to be some nice things for me to look at after I have a destructive day to remind me to be calm and to be happy.

How I made the vision boards, long story long: First, I ripped out pages. Then I cut out the pictures. After that, I glued the pictures on the board (white tagboard). Lastly, I put on the final touch - stickers. For my food board, I used food stickers. For my cool boards I used cool-looking stickers.

My "Cooll" series is in three parts because I couldn't fit all of the pictures on one board.

In the end, I thought making vision boards was really fun. I got to use my imagination. And, yeah, wish you all a good week!

P.S. Here's my mom's vision board.


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