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Signs of the Times


   Teresa and I are on a February/March jaunt to Massachusetts to see the boys. We watched the weather forecast carefully before setting out. It appeared any bad weather would be a day ahead of us and moving east.

   The pandemic also affects our travels. We have gotten the two Moderna vaccine shots and feel safe to travel. We wear masks when entering gas stations and restaurants, though we take the masks off as soon as we sit at our table.  Mask compliance is good across the country. Wisconsin seemed to be the most hit or miss. 

   The recent election also had an effect on our travels. It’s hard to not see all the political signs that remain up almost four months after the election. We saw a total of two Biden signs. The hundreds of others we saw were in support of Trump.

   There were a couple of anti-Biden signs. One in Pennsylvania said “Biden is not my president.” The other, in Minnesota, said “F*** Biden!” Not nice. A pre-election sign said Make the liberals cry again. That struck me as redundant. Aren’t liberals always crying? Only one sign had Pence’s name crossed out. 

   Pennsylvania was the champion for leaving its signs up. It was Pennsylvania that put Biden over the top and I suppose Trump’s supporters are still feeling the shame. 

   There were many Trump flags still waving. Some were tattered and torn. Don’t Tread On Me and Thin Blue Line flags I counted for Trump. Rainbow flags I gave to Biden. 

   As we came up a hill in Ohio, a big red Trump sign loomed on the crest. Someone had crudely spray painted: “You Lost Reason Treason.”  All the political signs disappeared in New York State, at least along the roads we traveled. Trump lost his home state in a landslide.

   Anyway, the country continues on it’s way. Gas prices are rising. Everyone is hiring. The people we talked to complained about masks but no one talked about the election, nor did we ask. The signs said enough.


  1. I have seen a lot of anti-Trump sentiment...even lost some friends who couldn't accept the fact that we have different political views...I do wonder how 80 million "votes" showed up when so few people were proud to display Biden support...but at the end of the day I accept the results of elections and continue to love this adopted country of mine. The greater good comes from being able to disagree with someone and still admire them. My best friend is on the opposite side of the political spectrum. I don't like him any less!


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