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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, July 2, 2024 The Luv Joke

 Once upon a time in a cozy little town, there lived a cranky chihuahua named Luv. Despite his name, Luv was not very loving. He had a tiny body but a big attitude, and he was known throughout the neighborhood for his grumpy demeanor.

Luv lived with his owner, Mrs. Hot Coco, a kind lady who adored him despite his crankiness. Every morning, Mrs. Hot Coco would take Luv for a walk around the neighborhood. Luv would bark at anything and everything that crossed his path - from squirrels to mailmen, and even the occasional leaf that dared to flutter by.

One sunny afternoon, as Luv and Mrs. Hot Coco were on their usual walk, they came across a new family moving into the house next door. Among the boxes and furniture, Luv spotted a large, fluffy golden retriever named Max. Max was the complete opposite of Luv - friendly, playful, and always wagging his tail.

Luv immediately took a disliking to Max. He barked and growled, trying to assert his dominance. But Max, with his gentle nature, simply wagged his tail and smiled at Luv. This only made Luv crankier.

Days turned into weeks, and Luv continued to be grumpy around Max. However, Max never stopped trying to befriend Luv. He would bring over his favorite toys, share his treats, and even try to play with Luv. But Luv would have none of it.

One day, Mrs. Hot Coco fell ill and had to stay in bed. Luv, sensing something was wrong, stayed by her side, refusing to leave her alone. Max, noticing that Luv and Mrs. Hot Coco hadn’t been out for their usual walk, decided to check on them.

Max gently nudged open the door and found Luv sitting by Mrs. Coco’s bed, looking worried. Max approached slowly, and to Luv’s surprise, he didn’t feel the urge to bark or growl. Instead, he felt a strange sense of comfort.

Max lay down next to Luv, offering his warmth and companionship. Luv, for the first time, didn’t push him away. They stayed like that for hours, keeping Mrs. Hot Coco company.

As days passed, Mrs. Hot Coco started to recover, and Luv’s attitude towards Max began to change. He realized that Max wasn’t a threat but a friend. Luv started to enjoy Max’s company, and they became inseparable.

A change in heart!

From that day on, Luv was no longer known as the cranky chihuahua. He had found a friend in Max, and his heart had softened. The neighborhood was amazed at the transformation, and Luv and Max became the best of friends, spreading joy and love wherever they went.

And so, the once cranky chihuahua named Luv learned the true meaning of his name, thanks to the kindness and patience of a fluffy golden retriever named Max. They lived happily ever after, proving that even the grumpiest of hearts can be warmed by friendship.

Except for the fact that Luv still bites and growls and literally hates everyone.  That whole Max thing...completely bogus!


  1. And here I was, visualizing ol' Max and Luv as two loving canine pals too, with all the makings of a Canadian Tire/Hallmark Card presentation with sunshine, song birds, bunnies, and butterflies on it against a field of red maple leaves. Oh, you fooled me! I'm going to text Chairman Joe right now and tell him to check out all the supposed 'walleye' you had left for him and I, it's probably sauger or burbot really, or suckers for suckers. You nasty man!

  2. I also feel blindsided. In my fantasy Luv and Max get married and produce a litter of fisher-retrievers who accompany Mr. Hot Coco to the lake and dive for any fish that try to escape.
    The walleye is real. I had their DNA checked.

  3. When I taught high school students, I had an assignment I called Truth or Lies. The kids would write a creative piece, and the class had to decide whether or not it was true. The following link will take you to a version of the truth within Mr. Coco's great tale!


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