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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, July 16, 2024 Food For Thought

I don't eat out much.  This used to be due to the frugality of the better half, but lately the quality of foods in the restaurants I go to has really taken a dive.  It is like all these restaurants got together and said let's all charge more for less food and diminishing quality.  I could see that happening...sort of like an organized crime family getting together in a sinister attempt to make me cook more at home.  It is working.  I have tried to avoid eating out even more nowadays.  

Chefs from all my favorite restaurants

From what I understand, the reason that prices have gone up and portion sizes and quality have gone down is the economy.  So if we could just get rid of the economy I could get my piping hot quarter pounder with cheese for five bucks again.  Looks like a job for Spied Her Man!  She could fix things!

Spied Her Man...secret power...burning ants!

Which leads us to the adventures of the America's latest parody superhero!  

Spied Her Man and the Fast Food Revolution

In a bustling metropolis, where skyscrapers kissed the clouds and the streets buzzed with life, there lived a superhero unlike any other. Her name was Spied Her Man, a woman with extraordinary abilities to see through walls, hear whispers from miles away, and move with the agility of a cat. But her most remarkable power was her unwavering determination to protect the fast food industry.

Spied Her Man, known as Sara Parker in her civilian life, had always been passionate about fast food. She believed that fast food brought joy and convenience to people’s lives, especially in a city where time was a precious commodity. However, the economy was in turmoil, and the fast food industry was on the brink of collapse. Rising costs, health regulations, and a shift towards organic and gourmet foods threatened to wipe out the beloved fast food chains.

One fateful night, as Sara patrolled the city, she overheard a secret meeting of powerful corporate executives. They were plotting to dismantle the fast food industry to make way for their high-end restaurants and organic food markets. Furious and determined, Sara knew she had to act swiftly.

Donning her Spied Her Man costume, she infiltrated the meeting, using her powers to gather crucial information. She discovered that the executives planned to manipulate the economy by creating artificial shortages of essential ingredients, driving up prices, and spreading false information about the health risks of fast food.

With a plan in mind, Spied Her Man set out to expose the conspiracy. She used her superhuman abilities to gather evidence, recording conversations and capturing documents. She then hacked into the city’s media networks, broadcasting the truth to every screen in the metropolis. The public was outraged, and protests erupted across the city.

But Spied Her Man knew that exposing the conspiracy was only the first step. To save the fast food industry, she needed to take drastic measures. She used her powers to sabotage the corporate executives’ operations, disrupting their supply chains and causing chaos in their high-end restaurants. She also worked with local fast food chains to create innovative and healthier menu options, appealing to a broader audience.

As the economy began to crumble under the weight of the exposed conspiracy, the fast food industry saw a resurgence. People flocked to their favorite fast food joints, appreciating the convenience and affordability they offered. The corporate executives were arrested, and their high-end restaurants were forced to close.

Spied Her Man had saved the fast food industry, but she knew her work was far from over. She continued to protect the city, always vigilant and ready to defend the people’s right to enjoy their favorite fast food. And so, the legend of Spied Her Man lived on, a symbol of hope and resilience in a city that never slept.

Thank you Spied Her Man.  Will she be a weekly visitor in the Wannaskan Almanac.  Only time will tell!


  1. It takes a whopper to save the Whopper.
    Thank you for a tasty post.

  2. Good eye, CJ. I was thinking there was a deeper meaning in it as I am always suspicious when it comes to Hot Cocoa's hot cocoa, if you know what I'm sayin'. I looked closely at the first image and developed a feeble non-conclusion that one of the persons has hidden his hands presumably behind his back, whereas all the others have their hands either clasped together, atop the table their fingers entwined, or be-gloved in black polyvinyl -- and one may be Spied Her Man, in disguise as an woman. Beyond that, I am hopelessly befuddled. Thank you for your insight. I over thunk it.


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