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Sunday Squibs


Is Jesus my God the way one person is my candidate for president? 

Or is my theology less deep?

People thinking about the downsides of electric vehicles are like people at the beginning of the last century wondering if they should get a car or stick with old Dobbin who wasn’t fazed by mud or snow and could go all day on a bucket of oats. 

The gassy future fills the meditation balloon; memory fills the bags tied to the basket rails- And so we go merrily bouncing along.

You can can underline a picture

You can also make it bold

But even after many tries

You can't italicize

We should asks questions to show we're interested in the other person. 

Questions related to what they’re telling us are best.

Avoiding doomscrolling will require a total news blackout.

Any new convenience will entail much collateral damage in its creation. 

Don’t force it

Take a break

Take your time 

Make no mistake

But not so slow

That your rival

Takes the cake

The sky protects from solar rays

The doctor minds our health

We do not see the rust of time 

That drops on us with stealth 

Into each life 

There creeps some negation 

A ventriloquist be-

Cast it into the ocean 

How does the artist know his well is defunct

When the stone he drops in goes not splash

but kerplunk
