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Antonin: 5 Weeks in CZ

 Hello and welcome to a snoozy Saturday here at the Wannaskan Almanac. Today is July 13th.

Today we’re going to talk about what we did in the Czech Republic for the past five weeks.

Week 1: We arrived at Czech Republic. We saw our grandpa waving at us at the Vienna airport. And when my sister and I saw him, we knew: vacation has begun. The next day, we didn’t really do much. Our grandpa asked my uncle, aunt, sister, and me to build a shelf. It was a metal shelf. So, we started building the shelf. It was really hard at first, and then it kind of got easier. There was no manual, though, so that was hard. We also went to a pool in Luhacovice. It was a really fun pool. It was fun because there was a whirlpool. Me, my aunt, my sister – we were in the whirlpool the entire time! So, that’s all I remember from Week 1. Let’s go to Week 2.

Week 2: I can’t remember Monday, but Tuesday or Wednesday we went to a zoo. The zoo was fun. Like, really fun. There were like these mantarays or stingrays and it was allowed to pet the stingrays, or mantarays, whichever they were. At first it was slimy, but then we kind of got used to it. And we were there at that station for about 10 minutes. We saw otters, sea lions, penguins, tigers, lemurs, capybaras, flamingos, etc. What I liked best about the zoo was probably the stingrays because we got to touch them, and I liked it.

We also went swimming again at Luhacovice, so that was fun.

Week 3: This was a constructive week. My grandpa asked me and my sister to build three more shelves! And it was only me and my sister. At first it was hard, then we kind of got used to it. My grandpa was very pleased with our work. He also told us to build two night tables. Each of them had three drawers. The first one took us five jokes. I’m not joking! My sister counted and it was five hours. The second one we built only took two hours. And the manual said it only took 30 minutes! Like, if you’re a professional!

Week 4: Week 4 was a big week. Like, I’m talking a BIG week! My parents finally came to Czech Republic. We were SO happy, me and my sister. And we went to the place where my grandma was raised as a child, and it’s called Teplice. In Teplice, we pulled this weed called kopřiva (stinging nettles). I pulled most of it. I pulled it with these heavy duty gloves and these little scissors for plants. Some of the kopřiva was taller than my mom. Yeah, that’s really tall! Then on Saturday, we went to our grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary! There was a playground at the place where we were at. And in the playground there was a zipline so we played on that.

Week 5: Every day this week we had an adventure. On Monday, we went to Hodonin to see my mom’s friend Sheilagh. They had a pool there so we played in the pool with my sister and Sheilagh’s son. I also played Fortnite (the game) for the first time. It was really fun. I like seeing Sheilagh because she’s just genuinely a good person. Her son is really cool. He actually plays with us.

On Tuesday, we went to my aunt and uncle’s house to play there. We went to a pool and there was a fish in the pool. We also went into a river. The river was freezing! But what was fun about it was I got to go done a cascade. I got a sunburn that I still have today.

On Wednesday, we went to Brno to visit a science center – Vida – and it was really cool there. I liked everything, for example, there was this one activity that explains what happens to ships in the Bermuda triangle. We saw a show about divers. There was also an ant farm. I saw this one ant that got out of the farm and was climbing out of the box! Imagine an ant as your pinky finger. A queen would be the size of your hand.

On Thursday, we went to town to go shopping for candy. My mom bought a garlic plate and we saw a castle and I got to climb trees so that was cool. My aunt said she was a better climber than me, and then I climbed higher than her.

Thursday night, we went to my other aunt and uncle’s house. They have two children, Anicka and Amalka, and we played with them. We went swimming because it was really hot, like over 90 degrees, all week. They also own guinea pigs and I got to hold one.

Friday was a traveling day. We left at 5:00 a.m. I basically slept the whole way to the airport.

At first, I thought the time was going slow, but then it went really fast. I really liked being in Czech Republic and I’m looking forward to going next year.
