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Sunday Squibs


War is like the Garasene demoniac 

who could not be bound by chain

There was only one solution 

for casting out his pain

The old should be as giddy as a bunch of kids riding the bus to an end-of-the-school year outing. 

Marie Kondo says get rid of everything that doesn’t bring you joy. 

I have lowered the bar to keeping everything that might bring me joy at some future date. One never knows.

A hundred thousand people were born the same day I was seventy odd years ago. It’s about time we had a reunion. 

How about Paris after the Olympics?

To be canonized as a saint is difficult.

To become a saint only requires that we be working on it.

We all have the potential for acting like bastards and bitches. 

We must unhitch ourselves from our guilty pleasure in playing those roles. 

Poets should drink with scientists.  

Two drunk poets is not a pretty sight. 

The young poet must make an effort to say sensible things.

The famous poet can say meaningless things the reader will scramble to decipher.

How many times can you do a thing before you become annoying?

Three? Five? Seven?

Seventy time seven sayeth the matchmaker.

If praise for yourself you wish to hear

Your praise to others will not be sincere

Democracy is realistic about the messiness of mankind. 

Libertarians imagine everyone is just like themselves. 


  1. Damn, you're good!

  2. Your Squibbles are flourishing! They appear to be evolving from zippy and zappy to wise and wondrous. We have always enjoyed the zip-zap, and now you have added profound and powerful. Way to go, Mr. C! Keep 'em coming - all forms are gratefully received.


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