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Sunday Squibs


It's ok to vote your values. Just be sure your candidate is one of the lesser demons.

You can tell people how awesome you are. 

But it will make a greater impression if you somehow improve their day

At a certain age Plan A becomes completely untenable.

The days of the week- 

O what a crew

The Sun and the Moon

Woden and Tiu

Thor and Ms. Frigga

-Saturn's there too

We can't describe God

(Though we know Hell is hot)

The best we can do 

Is say what God's wrought

He went to flirting technique school

So what does she think?

-Still a chauvinist pig

Therefore he stinks

To prove they’re not weak Dems do things that aren’t cool

GOPers are strong but must prove they’re not fools

Incels o Incels, there’s hope for your curse

Charm school it’s called - you'll come out less worse

Then save up your pennies and hop on a jet

The developing world has a wife for you yet

When you see a good deal go for it now.

There's no such thing as an old bargain.

I know I should dig for the cause of my screw ups, but it's more fun to see how creative I can be in solving them. If I'm really clever I'll not repeat them.
