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Antonin's Easter Extravaganza

Hello and welcome to a (sadly) super-snowy Saturday here at the Wannaskan Almanac. Today is March 30th.

Most of you know that Easter is tomorrow, right? So, we're going to be talking about Easter and Easter Sunday. 

If you're Catholic like our family, or if you know about God, you probably know what Good Friday is, right? And, you probably know that Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday, so that's why we have church on that day. But did you know that there's a special name for Saturday? Yeah! It's called Holy Saturday. 

Holy Saturday is a day of happiness because it's the day before Jesus resurrects. So, now that we've got all of that holy stuff out of the way, let's talk about what our family does during these important days.

This is what we do:

1. We dye and color Easter eggs. This is really, really fun. We get to pick our own colors, dip them in other colors, and then dip them in more colors. And then you've got a colorful egg. It just makes me really happy to see eggs full of joy! I mean, like, writing the blog post brings me joy, and sharing with you guys, but I've got to admit, dying Easter eggs is also pretty fun.

2. We will make Resurrection Rolls. My mom's going to put a link to the recipe. Sweet tasty dough with a marshmallow in the middle. They're just SO good. When you put them in the oven the marshmallows blow up inside the dough and it's just - YUM! - so good! They're called resurrection rolls because you can only eat them on Easter. The marshmallow inside is Jesus and the dough is the linen wrappings and the oven is the tomb. When they're done baking, aka "3 Days," the marshmallow "resurrects" from the linen wrappings. And then when you take it out of the tomb, Jesus is gone!

3. We have an Easter Egg hunt. The Easter eggs are really hard to find because my parents hide them in good spots. And, for some reason, my brother always finds the egg with the money. I always end up with the least. But what I like about the Easter egg hunt is that sometimes we don't find them all and they stay there til summer and then we all of a sudden find an Easter egg on July 30th!

Oh right! I forgot! The Easter Bunny! Everybody LOVES the Easter Bunny! He does so many great things for you. First, when you see the basket full of candy, you know that he came. The second thing is he's a bunny! Everybody loves bunnies. They're so cute! And number three, he's great because, like all of the holidays, he only comes once a year.

So, that's all there is to say. I really liked talking about Easter with you and remember, Easter isn't just about the Easter Bunny or the candy that he gives you. It's about how Jesus died and resurrected.

Happy Easter!


  1. Yum, the buns sounds yummy. Happy Easter to you all. 🥚🥚♥️♥️🥚🥚

  2. Antonin, you are a good teacher sharing so many aspects of Easter. Thanks for the lessons.


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