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Sunday Squibs


Misspent youth?

Go ahead and have your spree. 

Youth’s a coin will break a tooth when tested by old age. 

Each year my bucket list gets longer.

Each year my bucket gets leakier. 

Artificial voices have improved so much I wouldn’t mind sharing a bowl of nuts and bolts with the robot. 

People are boring not because they're uninteresting, but because they're uninterested. 

For twenty millennia

Mankind hunted and gathered 

Now they hunt two weeks in the fall

And gather year round in the mall

The pyramid’s sturdy as it sits on the ground

The pyramid scheme though is built upside down

The ego’s the clothes of the soul

Ragged or luxe the whole rack must go 

The news is chunks of what happened served in a sauce of opinion. 

Once we feared that computers would take over the world. 

Will AI turn out to be a similar valuable if frustrating servant? 

Or is the wolf really at the door this time?

My GPS gives me three pieces of information: time of travel, time of arrival, and distance. Only one of the three is immutable. 

A man full of himself must rent a storage unit if he expects to have room in his life for another. 

Unlike in the movies, our lives are all action at the beginning and all voice-over towards the end. 

Some artists handle fame the way a mummy handles exposure to air. 


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