In deference to Jack Pine Savage's
30 October, 2023 post
This was written in September 1998.
I didn’t take my walk to see the sunset,
but instead was held there
to observe its flames and feathers of crimson and gold
with all that my imagination possessed.
I saw an immense eagle with its wings
held tight against its body,
its head held as though it was soaring upward,
parallel crimson bars of flame cut its left wing,
and smaller birds seemed spread across the sky
around it, soaring and diving.
I saw small fish dart from north to south,
and behind it all,
an eruption of splashes of molten flame
across evening’s lingering azure blue.
White X’s of vapor trails
marked the sky as quick short strokes
of a painter’s long-handled watercolor brush.
Two vertical clouds resembled the legs
of a great animal running were,
those of the White Buffalo,
of which Black Elk spoke.
Same league. No need for humility here.