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Sunday Squibs


They say the poor are often happier than the well-off, but there are few among the poor who wouldn’t risk that unhappiness. 


Brave is the soldier going into battle. Braver still the surgical patient, knowing they’ll be cut; knowing there’ll be pain that pills at first will cover no better than a tin shield against the dragon’s fire. 


Life is a trade off. I eat salad at supper so I can have ice cream before bed. 


What does that patch of ground look like between killing a person we don’t agree with and just writing them off completely. 


If suffering is the school of life, the person with a high pain tolerance may be stuck in first grade. 


A narcissist is a deaf blind slug aware only of insults to his comfort. 


I know it’s been a productive day when I’m eager to write my diary. 


It’s always satisfying when “The penny drops”. Unless it drops through the hole in your safety net. 


Make pizzas

Serve beers

You’ll be loved 

By your peers


You know you're using too many big words when people open Google Translate while you're talking. 



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