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Wannaskan Almanac for September 13, 2022 A Little Bit of Think Time

I've got a few loose screws.  I keep them in my tool chest, second drawer from the top.  It seems like every time I put something together I find a few leftover screws so I drop them in that drawer.  This could be why so many of the things that I build fall apart.  
These could have held my world together

This past summer I had a chance to wander around a bit in my father-in-law's (God rest his soul) shop.  A lot of that shop was just like my junk drawer.  Pails and piles of metal scrap were everywhere.  There were screws and bolts and tools and things that I have no idea about all over.  
I was there when he was still alive too.  It didn't matter what the project was, he usually had a piece of something that he could use to fix it and also knew where to find it.  I was actually kind of nervous about touching things in the shop when he was still there because I didn't want to mess up his filing system.
Sometimes things look like a mess.  Like when you look in my junk drawer you won't usually find anything least I never have.  However, sometimes rooms full of "junk" can actually be quite helpful.  I guess you just need a mess mending master there to make sense of it all!
The grass is always greener...I guess that is what the cows in the field behind my house think.  They are always sticking their heads through the barbed wire fence and eating into my yard as far as they can.  I can't imagine that it is a pleasant experience for them.  They are getting jabbed and choked just to get grass that is a little bit more watered than what they have in their field.  
Greener what cost?

Sometimes I have found myself doing that...stressing and stretching and reaching for things that look to be better than what I have right now.  Being satisfied is a state of mind.  We should always think about whether the pain is worth the "reward".
Rain, rain...go away
Come again...another place!  
This past summer northern Minnesota was overwhelmed with precipitation.  Meanwhile, my home in Kansas got only a small fraction of the usual rain we receive.  Weathermen (and women) need to get together and even this out.  
Have a wonderful rest of your week Almanac readers!  
