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Wannaskan Almanac for September 28, 2021 U-no Mr. Bill

One of the plusses a word?  It didn't get underlined in red on my computer, so I can assume that Microsoft thinks it is a word...and if Microsoft thinks it is, then it likely is.  They wouldn't lie...I mean, they aren't Twitter or Facebook!  

*Note, Mr. Bill video appears only to make the title make sense

Anyway, one of the benefits (I know that is a word, or is, stay on task Mr. HC.  Don't go of on a tangent or you will lose your reader's attention) of the extra time at home during the pandemic is that we have started playing more games.  We play Sorry, Revolution (our own invention), and Uno.  Around our house things really get dicey when we start to play Spicy Uno.  You play with the same cards as regular Uno, but you use some extra rules in order to aggravate each other.

Tired of too much conversation?  With Spicy Uno you won't be talking to each other in no time!  

Spicy UNO Rules

  • If someone plays a 6, everyone should hit the deck.
  • The last person to clap must take 2 cards.
  • If someone plays a 7, everyone has to be silent.
  • Whoever speaks must take 1 card.
  • This continues until another 7 is played and people can then speak again.
  • When they’re quiet and you get Uno, hold up a finger to indicate Uno instead of saying it out loud.
  • If a 0 is played, that person can switch hands with another player (This is optional.
  • If a +2 is played Draw 2, the next player does not need to draw 2 cards.
  • If he has a +2 card the next player must draw 4 unless he also has a +2 card to play.
  • This continues until someone runs out of +2 cards to play and then has to draw all cards (i.e. 8 if four +2 cards have been played).
  • Other players can offer the current player a card to play face down for this to be possible). not see) to play when they want. They can bluff and pass a random card that the player doesn’t need, or they may have a +2 card that the player can play.
  •  The above rules also apply to Wild Draw 4 cards.
  • If you are playing a card and you have the exact same card in hand, you can play it at that point, even if it is not your turn.
  •  As long as you put it on top of the pile before the next player plays.
  • The game continues with the player next to the player who just played the card.

One of the sad things at our house is that my wife and daughter always are in cahoots against me.  It has gotten so bad that sometimes I think I should I should call a priest to exorcise their demons.  I, on the other hand, am a paragon of virtue.  I don't cheat or do morally questionable moves in any games.  I live by one simple rule:

I only wish that everyone in our house followed that simple principle.  It is tough being a paragon of virtue.  Soooo lonely.

Ah, that melody has soothed my soul.  Maybe I will text my family and see if they want to play some more Spicy Uno.  It is one thing that Covid can't control!


  1. The wife and I play a game every morning. Which game we play is determined by a flip of the Sacagawea dollar coin that lives on our living room table in a little lavender-colored plastic box that Easter eggs came in years ago. How it ended up to be stationed here is probably unimportant, something I won't delve into now for it has little to do with my comment --- other than it holds the future to our game of the morning and quite possibly the rest of our day, as 'winning the game' is paramount ... to one of the contestants, and not-so-much to the other; and the reason we shake hands before we play Scrabble so to (maybe) insure we are friends at the end.

    The first coin flip determines whether it's a card game or a board game; heads being board games of Scrabble/or Rummikub; a second flip determines which of the games to be played; heads meaning Rummikub; heads meaning Scrabble. Should the coin come up tails, it's a card game: TIC/Thirteen; heads is Kings Corner.

    After one of us wins a game, the loser gets a consolation game to at least save face; the game being anything of the losers choosing, board game or cards; possibly arm or Indian leg wrestling, although Crazy 8s is the most common currency.

    I keep scores for the card games and Scrabble; she scores Rummikub. Plus, I keep a daily game Winners/Losers book that settles any argument about who won or lost on any particular day; I have long wished for instant replay cameras and accompanying voice recordings, but haven't followed through on it yet...

    So I understand your pain, inexplicably.


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