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Wannaskan Almanac for May 19, 2020 The Fine Art of Silence

If I left this blank,
Would anyone ever know?
If I kept one word inside
would the world be forever changed?
But then again
If I speak everything I think
will it even be heard?
Or will it be too much
too crazy
too self-serving
will it be one of those silence is golden thingies?
Should I seek a balance
talking and listening
sharing and receiving?
But then again
everyone else is wrong
and we never change our minds
not on politics
or religion
or a host of other statues we have erected
in our minds.
Don't you know
how important it is
to have the proper condiment
on your hot dog?
The fine art of pretending to listen
is the cause
of a world of curses.

I don't write poetry very often.  The main reason is because it is art, and I am not an artist.  Perhaps if I did poems in crayon...
I will return to my sarcastic ways next week.  I promise!


  1. I like mustard on my hot dogs.
    Catsup (cat soup) is blasphemy.
    I enjoyed your poem.
    Keep on versifying.


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