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11 May 2020 – The One – #11: Dragons True – Segment: 2

Traveling away from the City, it would seem that our two intrepid companions journey farther and farther into a dusky zone between the conventional world and a magical one. Argose seems prepared for this new wrinkle in the adventure and stands princely in the challenge. Check out the description of the Dragon. Can you see her? What is your reaction to her profile and attitude. It may be interesting to consider that she is the only one of her kind. Perhaps not. Either way, she is a majestic creature straight out of a tale of sailors and their reported sea monsters. The narrative now enters a new plateau, a gate of sorts. Check your reactions to this shift.

Argose’s hackles rise as he wind-scents 
the reptile languid in the warming sun
                        My dog has taken a keen interest now
lopes toward the ship and stands beneath barking
                        As I catch up and get a closer view
                                    The lizard cocks its head – eyes flutter wide
                                                exposing red with thick, double eyelids
                        Argose growls and snaps his teeth conjointly
                        The creature grasps the bowsprit with webbed toes
                                    each one tipped with a sturdy, russet claw
                        This must be how it climbed aloft, secured
                                    by those twenty formidable toes grasping 
                        Stubby wings emerge as it turns towards Argose
                        They are red beneath and in shape much like
                                    the barbed shield running down its spine
                                    fleshy shield borne on its back like a sail
                        Wings arch like an eagle’s and slowly flap
                                    not enough for flight – more for good balance
                        Argose grr-uffs planting his paws on the hull

                        As the Dragon – for so it must be – turns 
                                    to face Argose, its long, spiked tail whips ‘round
                                    and it voices guttural croaks and grunts
                        Argose stops barking, drops his head and whines
                        With one gigantic turn, the Dragon leaps
                                    and lands dropping to face Argose, not me

                        I sense it is female – a true warrior
                                    wearing scaly armor made in dragons’ forge
                        Argose pulls lips back from his savage teeth
                                    reverse miniatures of the dragon’s spikes
                        The lizard takes two bold steps toward Argose
                                    while I stand frozen hoping not to draw
                                                attention as Argose commands his ground
                                                and mammal and reptile set in stand-off

                        The spiked dragon has more to say with clicks
                                    croaking and a sort of high silver note
                        Argose steps a tentative paw closer
stretches his neck – twitches his moist, black nose
                        Dragon shakes her head and flares her nostrils
                                    taking in the canine’s scent, as if she
                                                tries to make sense of this furry creature
                        As these two regard each other, more talk
                                    clicks, croaks, and high whistling from the dragon
                                    and strangely, strings of whimpers, whines, and growls
                                                 yips-yaps from Argose who strikes a play bow
                        The great reptile gracefully spins her dance
                                    sliding near the broken hull like lava

                        Now, stranger than strange, I speak to them both
                                    and suddenly I can comprehend them
                        Argose, up from his bow, jumps side to side
                                    on his front paws enthusiastically 
                        The huge lizard sways in similar cadence
                        Now, I begin to move, dancing in circles
                                    throwing up my hands and stamping my feet
                        The three of us make a joyous trio
                                                But wait!

Here we have another nautical image, the beached and broken ship. Are you curious about the ship’s past? In this part of the story, the ship appears to be a set piece with little to do with the story line. A “ship” has been ferrying the main character on the journey undertaken. Now we have one at a full stop, dead on the beach. It is a symbol of disintegration and uselessness, except as a perch for this new Dragon. More magic is afoot: a Star Trek universal translator of sorts; dog, human, and Dragon can speak and understand each other. In legends there is talk of the Dragon Tongue, said to be magical, and understood only by some favored ones.

Exploration 1: What do you think of Argose’s courage in facing the Dragon? The main character’s stance?

Exploration 2: Do you believe in magic? Why or why not? If not, what would it take to allow you to believe in it? If you follow a religious tradition, is there one or more elements of magic present in your path?

Exploration 3: What does the beached and broken ship represent in this narrative?
