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The Wannaskan Almanac for April 14, 2020 Dictionary Day the First

It is April 14.  We are almost a month into trying to stop the spread of COVID-19 in the United States.  May God protect us.
A wide variety of observances and holidays fall on April 14.  Narrower holidays and observances might fall through the cracks, but not these ones!
Today is the Air Force Reserve birthday.  The Air Force Reserve was created in 1948 by President Truman.  That means that this will be the Air Force Reserve's 72nd birthday.  Perhaps we could change the name to the Air Force Golden Reserve.  Just a thought.
Today is also dictionary day.  Many years ago they had books called dictionaries.  These books were full of words and definitions and cute little pictures (which were rumored to be worth a thousand words).  There is also a dictionary day in October, but we won't dwell on that now.  Nowadays dictionaries are used to put your device on as you search for words that have been butchered by auto-correct.

Today was also supposed to be free cone day at Ben and Jerry's.  This has been canceled due to corona virus.  Perhaps liquor stores will have free corona cones to placate the masses.  The following picture has not been verified.

It is also International Moment of Laughter day.  This means I will have to tell you a joke.  Please laugh for a moment (exactly) afterwards.  A priest, a politician, and a clown, walk into a bar. The bartender says, “What is this, some kind of joke?”
Today is "Look up at the Sky Day".  This is a northern hemisphere day only, because everyone know you have to look down to see the sky in the southern hemisphere.  Any globe will reveal that to you.
I am not sure when "Look down at the Sky Day" is.
Today is also National Ex-Spouse Day and National Gardening Day.  I asked a friend of mine where her ex-husband was, and she told me in the garden.  I looked and then told her "I don't see him."  She told me that I would have to dig a bit.
Thanks so much for spending Dictionary Day with me.  It was truly a defining moment in my life!


  1. If your friend had to look in the garden for her ex-spouse, then it is indeed "Look Down at the Sky Day."
    With the current lockdown, I've gotten interested in the little things, like: What's the moon up to today? I fired up the PC and discovered that the waning half-moon had arisen at 3:08 this morning and would set at 11:27 a.m.. (These times will differ in Kansas.) So at 6:30 this morning and with a clear sky, I figured the moon should be visible. I looked out my window. No moon. I went out on the porch. Nothing. It was 13 degrees and there was a fresh dusting of snow. I put on boots and went into the yard and there was the moon in the southeast sky, not far above the trees. I knew it would skim the treetops all morning and drop below the horizon just before noon.
    Then I came back in and learned it was "Look Up at the Sky Day".
    What a coincidence!
    I'm rewarding myself with a big bowl of burgoo.

  2. National Ex-Spouse Day, huh? Hmmm. I'll bet they sell a whole bunch more human form-size targets at shooting ranges across the United States today; the ranges and sporting goods stores have set up little store front displays all over the country.

    Chairman Joe, da bus driver, alerted me to the ones at Coast and across the street at True Value in Roseau; Ace a.k.a. Roseau Hardware has a interesting floor display with blurred-out faces of, particularly men, locals more than likely, in family settings like at the lake, on picnics, weddings, dances, sporting events and in loving embraces, and in place of the their faces they had Birch Casey Shoot-N-C-Targets, on sale. So you've got that . . .

    There's a run on ammunition too, now ammunition is so available again. Those recent years of memory that a person couldn't buy a bullet for self-defense or self-expression, participants of National Ex-Spouse Day were relegated to using fruit like oranges and apples, which in any language was quite unworthy of their sentiments.

    Several years ago, coincidentally on N.E.S. Day as I recall, I was visiting with a local individual somewhere, and I mentioned, for some inane reason, one of my ex-spouses, and the person's, a woman I believe, eyes grew quite wide in surprise -- or suspicion as she may have chosen not to believe me, or preferred not to think of the possibility of such a pairing; a common thread on now three fronts as a result of this conversation -- and she said, with some true alarm in her voice and perplexity to her eyes,

    Hmmmm. Those hypnosis and electric shock classes paid off in spades. That's one i don't have to worry about taking a pot shot at me.

  3. Keep a low profile till midnight.
    Wear your mask.


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