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My personal Deep State is the crew at the highway department and the gang at the water works and power plant. All praise be unto them. 

Jesus told the Good Thief he’d be in Paradise this day. There was no time to discuss the details, such as the mandatory spell in re-education camp. 

I love youth because I know one day they’ll be as decrepit as me. If they’re lucky.

How high can the ratio of real friends to Facebook friends go, 1:10, 1:1,000, before you start to feel lonely?

A friend called me as part of his 12 Step program to apologize for the bad things he had said about me. 
“What did you say,” I asked. 
“I’d rather not repeat it,” he said. 
“I insist.”
“Ok. I told people you were white trash.”

When hung over, he climbs on the wagon and signs up for the pledge. 
He knows he is better when off fall the wheels from that rickety sledge.

Chairman Joe


  1. Now I see you include the gang at the highway department. Now if you're speakin' of the county highway dept, of which our neighbors and community associates are employed, then 'Hell yes!' I agree with you, none better! Seein' as we both live along a school route our crew is out soon after whatever nature throws at us and we enjoy a clean slate, if but a little slickery in places -- can't avoid that -- but we ain't buckin' drifts of snow, hail or locusts, if you know what I'm sayin'.

    But if you're talkin' state highway dept, well I dunno. Are they part of the 'essential' crew up here? Oops, I forgot you and the little woman are -- so you need the state boys to insure your passage.

    By the way, have I ever thanked you and your life partner for your essential services during this pandemic episode? You, in your role as a bus driver, and your L.P., in her role working at the Food Shelf, do us, the community at large, a tremendous service!

    THANK YOU BOTH for your personal sacrifices of time, at the risk of personal exposure to the virus, to see these roles through. Our community is better for it.


  2. My fav: I love youth because I know one day they’ll be as decrepit as me. If they’re lucky. Speaks to my heart and to my face in the mirror. JPSavage


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