Sven & Ula: Town Hall Meeting Last week Sven let the cat out of Ula's bag when he told Erin, Ula's then-wife of 2.9 plus years, (who has since left him and went back to the Emerald Isle where there are no skunks, especially the two-legged variety of which she considered Ula to be one) that they had skunks living under their porch. Faced with the problem of skunk elimination, Ula asks Sven to meet him at the town hall for a bit of lunch. “You know dere’s a trick to skunk trappin’ so they don’t stink da place up, Ula,” Sven said. “Me ma an’ her brudder Ray used to trap ‘em for dere fur she told me. I don’t know if dey vacked ‘em in dere head vit a bat or smoked ‘em out, den sic’d da dog after ‘em, but you tink dey’d stink all da same, eh?” “Yah Sven, dere’s a vay to do it alright, but it yust isn’t et’ical in me mind,” Ula said over coffee at the Vannaska Town Hall. “I’m an educated man, you know. I ‘ave...
El secreto de una buena vejez no es mas que un pacto honrado con la soledad. —Gabriel García Márquez