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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, February 18, 2020...Taco 'bout Tuesday!

It is my anniversary today.  My wife and I have been married for for 26 years and 2 months.  This works out to 314 months of wedded bliss.  It has been 9558 days since we exchanged vows.  We have had 13,763,520 minutes since that time to choose to love each other.  We have done pretty well at that.  With God's help I pray that I will always be a man that respects and loves her with all my heart.
Mushy huh? with it.
February 18 is the 49th day of 2020.  There are only 11 days left until leap day...that magical day that fixes all the discrepancies in our calendars.
This is the 8th Tuesday of 2020, so if you are like many people in our great country you will be having your 8th Taco Tuesday celebration tonight.   Tacos fall into two main categories.  They are authentic Mexican Tacos and Fake American Tacos.  They are pictured below.  See if you can figure out which is which.

Both have their own unique flavor, and both are desirable...especially for some reason on Tuesday evenings.  Taco Tuesday was originally established in the 1970's to combat Meatloaf Mondays.  Meatloaf Mondays left a bad taste in peoples mouths since the Carter economy had forced people to replace ground beef with ground sawdust.
The word taco comes from the Nahuatl word ‘tlahco’ which means “half or in the middle”, referring to the way it is formed.  The origin date of the taco is unknown, but it could be 1500 years or more ago when the first taco was eaten by Mexican ancestors. I hear they were a "maized" at how good the corn shells tasted.
Here is an image that can help you figure out the difference between American and Mexican tacos.
If you are still struggling, the best way to tell is by the wrapper.  If it comes wrapped up in paper that has Taco Bell written all over it then you got yourself an American taco there.  If it is wrapped in tinfoil you just might have an authentic Mexican taco there.
If you are looking to try some Tacos today, this site has a list of the top places to find a taco.  I am pretty sure that none of these fine establishments can be found in Wannaska.  My suggestion...make some up yourself.  An authentic Wannaskan taco might just be the ticket to mouth watering delight.


  1. I tried making my own taco shells. Easy. You just hang soft corn tortillas over your oven rack and bake for a few minutes. But my rack was not right so when the misshapen things cooled, I broke them into chips and added salsa.

    Congratulations on your Anniversary!
    I heard you two exchange vows way back then. So far, so good👍😊


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