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Email gets no respect these days. What if that happens to texting? Will the personal letter make a comeback?

We think things are getting better. Really we're just getting used to the status quo.

We can't invest in the future when we've so heavily mortgaged our past.

At the funeral your good qualities will be displayed like trophies, and your faults will be tucked out of sight in the casket.

Hippocratic oath: Do no harm.
Lazyman oath: Do no thing.

The young reader begins with fiction then moves on to science and history. In the later years it's philosophy or theology depending on which medicine is required. At the end though, only poetry will hold a clue.

Chairman Joe


  1. I recognize myself in this list. Hmmm, I wonder where you get your inspiration?

  2. Two gems here for the poet and the letter writer: 1) I feel like the last man/woman standing in that I still write letters by hand, and what a pleasure caressing the paper with slippery ink. Very sensual; 2) "At the end though, only poetry will hold a clue." And yet, and yet, who reads the Monday posts other than the Chairman and Wannaska Writer? I'm no prophet; however, I like to believe that the reader's interpretation of a poem will help wisdom emerge. Thanks for these Squibs. JP Savage


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