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Give your loved one what you do best:
The poet a poem; the comic a jest.
The jeweler a gem; the writer a book.
I like best sweet rolls from my lover the cook.

If ever I'm condemned to hell, I'll bring my guardian angel with me to the sentencing: character witness.

The main reason not to procrastinate is so your future self will thank you for taking care of business now. Trouble is, future me is oblivious of all I do for him, the bum.

If you're  going to make up stuff for your bio, don't say you were in 'Nam if you weren't there.
Or that you studied dentistry at Yale. Say instead that you've been to a hundred Stones concerts.
That's impressive. And untraceable.

Will you divide the rest of your life into days weeks and months?
Or will you go uncalendered.

We revel in the love of family and friends.
Too much reveling though and the love begins to toughen.

Chairman Joe


  1. Extraordinary! Your creativity has no end. Everyday you cast these pearls among swine (or words to that effect) where do you get them? I could see, maybe marbles, small stones, little hard round seeds, but no, I get it, pearls require a lot of searching around the mudflats wearing your green Wellies, carrying a bucket, using a spud to poke around for clam shells --like looking for rocks in a Minnesota cultivated farm field at night, I'd reckon.

    Then put 'em in your bucket, take 'em home and shuck each stinkin' one looking for pearls (No wonder you had to get a real job, sooner or later--this is sort of hit and miss income, if you're askin' me; but you did real well marryin' the right woman with the patience of a saint ...) the majority of the time finding only clam stuff that you'd t'row into the boilin' pot. Pearls, for many years, weren't your cup o' tea.

    But look at you now, lad! Geesus man! You're firin' on all cylinders! Gems like:

    "Will you divide the rest of your life into days weeks and months?
    Or will you go uncalendered?"

    And all the other aforementioned Squibs above, I stand in awe of ye! Wow!

  2. Superb, as always; however, I esp. appreciated the poem. Too true. Another favorite was "days and weeks or uncalendared." The unclandeared is a state I aspire to, but am too busy to attain. Ha!


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