Hello and welcome to an energetic Saturday here at the Wannaskan Almanca. Today is February 29th, aka the LAST day of February and a LEAP DAY! One of my favorite memoirs is titled, Leap Days: Chronicles of a Midlife Move , by former MPR Midmorning host, Katherine Lanpher. She writes, "On Leap Day 2004 I took an actual leap, leaving behind the Midwestern city where I came of age, married, divorced, worked, lived, loved, and prospered for more than two decades, to move to New York. I cried so hard at the airport curb that the strangers milling around me must have thought I was on my way to a funeral. If they had offered me condolences, I would have accepted them." I thought I might take the occasion to see what Lanpher is up to these days since the publishing of her memoir back in 2006. I found her on Twitter and sent a fan tweet , to which she liked and retweeted. If you're writing a memoir, Katherine will be co-teaching a class at the Madeline Island School for the...
El secreto de una buena vejez no es mas que un pacto honrado con la soledad. —Gabriel García Márquez