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Wannaskan Almanac for July 28, 2020...Why'd You Lie?

Hey Steve, what's your favorite month?
Why July?
I didn't lie.

Ah, dad jokes.  Where would my life be without them?  A dad joke is defined as an unoriginal or unfunny joke usually told by middle aged men.  That is why Steve and Joe don't tell dad jokes...they are waaaayyy past middle age.

Dad jokes usually cause teenagers to roll their eyes.  It is rumored that these eye-rolling teens quickly find a fortress of solitude where they break out into hysterical laughter and record the joke in their journal.  Nobody has ever witnessed either of these things but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen!

The phrase "dad joke" was first used online in 2003.  It was defined in the Urban dictionary (but was never really defined in the rural dictionary) but never really gained much notoriety until ten years later.  Mainstream media and personalities began to use the phrase quite frequently around 2013.

Dad jokes continue to have a great deal of influence on pop culture.  Pepsi and Coke have even had contests to see who can write the best dad jokes.  I didn't win...apparently I am not cola-fied...
Which leads us to my very own dad joke.  This joke is so funny that you will have to fill out a waiver before reading it.  It is not for the weak bladdered or incontinent.  You have been warned.

Where will dad jokes go in the future?  It is hard to say (like worcestershire sauce) but I see even more knee-slapping hilarity on the horizon.  So be ready to laugh, and keep those journals handy! more original...a special bonus! 


  1. Hey, John ... what a great way to start the morning. Good humor an' that ain't no joke.


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