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6 July 20 The One #11 Dragons True – Segment 6

Remembering the cliffhanger in the previous segment, we were left with the arrival of a female entity appearing from within the cave. The first several lines of the poem below mark the place we left off last time. As Dragons True continue to reveal themselves, the main character and trusty Argose become accustomed to the fantastical occurrences and creatures. In this segment, we travel farther in to the next supernatural (or is it natural, if we can see it so) adventure. But wait. More than adventure lies here, for the next candidate for “the one” is about to appear. Wait again. Make that two candidates; however, you’ll have to wait until next week’s post to begin to know the second. Hint: Beyond here, dragons be. Dragons true, that is.

… A wind rushes against the cave’s moist walls

                        spinning the haze into circles and swirls

            I peer inside, then squinting hard, I see

                        a hundred bats hanging from the ceiling

                                    black wings folded against furred bodies

                                    and on the floor everywhere their droppings

            The bat clusters vibrate but stay composed


            “Who’s there? Who’s there?” Echoes from the dusky gorge

                        and with those words, she emerges misty-clad 

as if gossamer veils grow from her body 

She does not step into the rising light

                        where we’ve been standing, and now move toward her

“Attend! Why for do you enter my place?”

Her speech, old form, wafts easy on my ears

So much I want to hear more, so stay dumb

            “I pr’thee, master of the fur-clothed one,

                        say whence you came and what your purpose be.”

She takes two steps toward us – strides with meaning

Light reveals raven hair streaked rusty red

Her eyes glisten brown, center-pierced pearl white

I take her measure instantly complete

            now a moment flies and we’re face to face

With no memory of motion, we stand near

Her breathing smells faintly of earth and rock

Argose stands perpendicular to us

His gaze darts between us asking, “And now?”

“And now,” indeed! This unintended chance


            EE!        AE-EE!             EE-AE-EE!!        EE-AE!            EE-EE!


                        sharp, metallic screech n’caw – tiny nails

                        driven one-by-one into my steel skull


I take two steps back – almost lose balance

Argose skitters behind, toenails scraping

            rock underfoot as he lets out whimpers

“May’hap ‘twill get thee to attend to me?!

            “Very like! Sorry I so truly am.”

I note I am taking on the lilt 

and the cadence of her speech expressions                

“Say whence you came and what your purpose be.”

She repeats her query like a command

Shuffling my feet, scratching my ear, I say,

“I come from a northbound land far from here

To purpose, it may be said I have none

            except to search and find the one

            who may ‘hap has answers to questions I have

                        that I cannot tell if foolish or brave”

“Quests be such as these things thou seekest out.

            Yet why cometh here to this very place?

                        where I have lived longer than memory serves?”

I mumble words I barely hear myself

Argose at my side gently licks my hand

“I cannot say why I am come to this place

            and not some other more surpassing gate

She pauses, pondering it seems, as I

            speculate the manner of her strangeness . . .

I’m not sure why, but I’ve always had a penchant for wispy, flowing figures coming out of the dark. Maybe this represents my alter-ego. Maybe some subconscious emergence into consciousness. Or perhaps a wild imagination accounts for this? Who knows?  Speaking of imagination, those who have one often find themselves in thoughts of fantasy and magic. When I was young, I loved the depiction of both, and tried the many “don’t try this at home” fêtes of hand and head. None worked magic in my being; however, I never gave up hope that something “above this world,” extraordinary, and thrilling might just happen if I waited, hoped, and practiced long enough.

Exploration 1: When this segment begins, do you remember what or who you guessed might be emerging from the cave? Once you found out, were you surprised, pleased, disappointed, or some other reaction?

Exploration 2: Who or what do you speculate the one with raven-hair with rusty red streaks may be?

Exploration 3: What do you think of the dialect in this segment?


  1. You've put us on alert for dragons. But a candidate for the One? I guess.
    Can dragons come in wispy form?
    The dialect is archaic, but what is EE! AE-EE!?
    And the tiny nails driven into a steel skull. I have no idea.


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