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Thursday July 9th, 2020

"C'mon Gang!"

     I learned a long time ago to never hit a skunk with a car if you can help it, so I slowed ‘way down when I realized she had a kit with her, which, for me, is a very rare occurrence. When I saw that once they were across the road, she looked back only to see there were more still on the other side, I stopped the car and got my camera out.

     She gave me a sideways glance and ran back to the rest of her kits with the one that had followed her close on her heels. She must have said something to the rest of them that I'd guess approximated,
Then she started back to the other side of the road with everybody in tow. I think there were six kits altogether. 

    I managed a 4-second video of them but was unable to isolate it from the rest of the clip that included me videoing the inside of the car. the instrument panel, steering wheel. and a pants leg before I got the camera shut off.

    It wasn't all I saw that evening.

July 3rd storm system8


  1. Glad you survived the skunks and the hail storm.

  2. I just looked up and wrote in my comment 10 facts about skunks. The only ones I remember (after Google kicked me out - no kidding - no explanation) =
    1. Female skunks are called sows
    2.The skunk's name in Bambi was Flower
    3. Worms don't fart.

  3. Judith D. AronsonJuly 9, 2020 at 8:58 PM

    Thank for being nice to the skunk family. I have a soft heart for them ever since my dad brought home 2 babies after he saw that mom had gotten hit by a road grader. I was a preteen then. So Peter and Petunia stayed until fall. They were adorable pets. My mom joked that "funny we didn't get much company that summer."


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